4000 "N" clear :dim L$(1)*25:dim O$(4)*19 4003 pause "GEBURTSDATUM ?":radian 4006 gosub 4051:A=N:Q$=H$:W$=J$:R=Y 4007 rem Copyright by F. Lorenz, D-32423 Minden, www.abyte.de 4009 pause "HEUTIGES DATUM ?":gosub 4051:N=N-A 4012 gosub 4036:gosub 4039:gosub 4042:gosub 4044 4015 print "INT: ";I;"%":print "EMO:";E;"%":print "VIT: ";V;"%":using "####.##":print "ERF: ";??=00 (C);"%" 4018 wait 0:print "AB:URVE:EUEING.":call 5311:AU=peek 65374 4021 if AU=78 wait 0:print "1=CE126P 2=CE515P":call 5311:DR=peek 65374:wait :goto 4081 4024 if AU=14 wait 0:print "1=CE126P 2=CE515P":call 5311:DR=peek 65374:if DR=51 goto 4193 4025 if (AU=14) and (DR=50) wait 0:print "Drucker arbeitet !":call 1208:goto 4114 4027 if AU=0 then wait :goto 4000 4030 if AU=6 then call 7980:end 4033 goto 4018 4036 I=((N/33)-int (N/33))*2*pi :I=int (.5+10000*sin I)/100:U=I:return 4039 E=((N/28)-int (N/28))*2*pi :E=int (.5+10000*sin E)/100:U=E:return 4042 V=((N/23)-int (N/23))*2*pi :V=int (.5+10000*sin V)/100:U=V:return 4044 C=(I+E+V)/3:U=C:return 4045 gosub 4036:gosub 4039:gosub 4042:gosub 4044:return 4051 input "TAG:";D:input "MONAT:";M:input "JAHR:";Y:if Y<100 then let Y=Y+1900 4054 N=Y*365+int (Y/4)+int (Y/400)-int (Y/100) 4055 if int (Y/4)<>Y/4 and M=2 and D>28 print "Falsches Datum !":goto 4000 4057 if int (Y/4)=Y/4 and M<3 then let N=N-1 4060 L$(1)="231223345566":N=N-20+asc mid$ (L$(1),M,1)+30*(M-2)+D 4063 P=N-7*int (N/7)+1:L$(1)="SASOMODIMIDOFR" 4066 B$=mid$ (L$(1),2*P-1,2):X=D:gosub 4069:wait 150:print " ";B$;" ";H$;".";J$;".";K$:wait :return 4069 H$=str$ X:if X<10 then let H$="O"+H$ 4072 J$=str$ M:if M<10 then let J$="O"+J$ 4075 K$=right$ (str$ Y,2):rem Year 2000 bug fixed PUE 4078 return 4081 wait 0:print "Drucker arbeitet !":call 1208:wait 4082 restore :for X=1 to M:read Z:next X:if int (Y/4)=Y/4 and M=2 then let Z=Z+1 4083 if DR=50 call 7980:lprint chr$ 27;"a";chr$ 27;"?a":poke 65440,80,80:poke 65439,130 4084 lprint " BIORHYTMUS TABELLE" 4087 lprint " AUSGABE ERFOLGT IN %":lprint "":lprint "INT=GEIST : EMO=GEFUEHL" 4090 lprint "VIT=KOERPER: ERF=ERFOLG" 4093 lprint "":lprint "GEBURTSDATUM: ";Q$;".";W$;".";str$ R:lprint "" 4096 data 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 4098 wait 0:print "Drucker arbeitet !":call 1208:wait 4099 for X=D to Z 4100 gosub 4036:gosub 4039:gosub 4042:gosub 4045:N=N+1 4101 gosub 4069:lprint H$;".";J$;".";K$ 4102 using "####.#" 4104 if D=X lprint "INT.: EMO.: VIT.: ERF.:":goto 4107 4105 if (X/5)=int (X/5) lprint "INT.: EMO.: VIT.: ERF.:" 4107 IX=??=00 (I):EX=??=00 (E):VX=??=00 (V):CX=??=00 (C) 4108 lprint IX;EX;VX;CX 4109 using 4110 next X 4111 lprint "":N=N-(Z-D+1):goto 4018 4114 call 7980:lprint chr$ 27;"a":lprint chr$ 27;"0":lprint chr$ 27;"?c":poke 65440,80,80:poke 65439,130 4117 lprint " ";chr$ 27;"2";"************************";chr$ 27;"1" 4120 lprint " *****";chr$ 27;"3";" BIORHYTMUS ";chr$ 27;"1";"*******" 4123 lprint " ";chr$ 27;"2";"************************";chr$ 27;"0" 4126 lprint chr$ 27;"?b":lprint " GEBURTSDATUM:";Q$;".";W$;".";str$ R 4129 lprint " AUSGABEMONAT: ";J$;".";K$:lprint chr$ 10 4132 restore :for X=1 to M:read Z:next X:if int (Y/4)=Y/4 and M=2 then let Z=Z+1 4135 poke 65439,132 4138 lprint " GEIST=schwarz ";chr$ 27;"1";"GEFUEHL=blau ";chr$ 27;"2";"KOERPER=gruen" 4141 lprint chr$ 27;"3";" ERFOLG=rot" 4142 N=N-D 4144 lprint chr$ 27;"0";chr$ 10;chr$ 10;chr$ 10:lprint chr$ 27;"b" 4147 lprint "M500,0":lprint "I" 4150 lprint "M-5,15":lprint "P0":lprint "M";-485;",";15:lprint "P-100%":lprint "M";405;",";15:lprint "P+100%" 4153 lprint "H":lprint "L1":lprint "D0,-800":lprint "L3":lprint "M-450,0":lprint "J0,-800":lprint "M450,0":lprint "J0,-800" 4156 for JP=1 to Z:B$=str$ JP:lprint "M";-500;",";-JP*25-5:lprint "P";B$:lprint "M";-450;",";-JP*25 4158 if (JP/5)=int (JP/5) lprint "M";-440;",";-JP*25:lprint "D";-450;",";-JP*25 4159 lprint "D";-460;",";-JP*25:next JP:lprint "LO" 4162 for O=1 to Z:lprint "M";450;",";-O*25:lprint "D";460;",";-O*25 4165 if (O/5)=int (O/5) lprint "D";440;",";-O*25 4168 next O 4171 for Z1=1 to 4:B$=str$ (Z1-1):lprint chr$ 27;B$ 4174 on Z1 gosub 4036,4039,4042,4045:U=U*4.5:lprint "M";U;",";0 4177 for X=1 to Z:N=N+1:on Z1 gosub 4036,4039,4042,4045:U=U*4.5 4180 lprint "L0":lprint "D";U;",";-X*25 4183 next X:N=N-Z 4189 next Z1 4192 N=N+D:poke 65439,130:lprint "A":goto 4018 4193 rem UNTERPROGRAMM FUER CE126P 4302 wait 0:print "Drucker arbeitet !":call 1208:wait 4303 lprint "":lprint "***********************":lprint "***** BIORHYTHMUS *****" 4305 lprint "***********************":lprint "" 4308 lprint "GEBURTSDATUM: ";Q$;".";W$;".";str$ R:lprint "" 4311 restore :for X=1 to M:read Z:next X:if int (Y/4)=Y/4 and M=2 then let Z=Z+1 4314 O$(1)=" G E I S T":O$(2)=" G E F U E H L":Z1=1:N=N-D 4317 O$(3)=" K O E R P E R":O$(4)=" E R F O L G" 4320 lprint "AUSGABEMONAT: ";J$;".";K$:lprint "" 4323 for Z1=1 to 4 4326 lprint O$(Z1):lprint "":lprint " O":lprint " IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" 4329 for X=1 to Z:N=N+1:on Z1 gosub 4036,4039,4042,4045:U=int (U/10+11.5) 4332 L$(1)="-":if X/10=int (X/10) then let L$(1)="--" 4335 if U=1 then 4341 4338 for X1=1 to U-1:L$(1)=L$(1)+" ":next X1 4341 L$(1)=L$(1)+"*" 4344 lprint L$(1):next X:N=N-Z 4347 lprint "" 4350 next Z1:N=N+D:goto 4018