50000 gosub 50040:goto 50110 50010 rem Do not use std. vars. N - P 50020 rem 64361 is loopcnt 50030 rem 64371 is delay 50040 poke 64360,2,255,52,18,95,89,101,16 50050 poke 64368,219,223,78,55,47,5,55 50060 return 50070 poke 64352,16,&FB,&71,18,95,89,101,16 50080 poke 64360,218,2,255,52,218,219,218,223 50090 poke 64368,78,0,91,52,82,47,10,55 50100 return 50110 "FORMULA1":goto 50150 50120 wait 90:print "" 50130 print "Q) up, Z) down, S)core" 50140 return 50150 wait 100:print "*** Formula 1 *** H)elp" 50160 call &1494:T$=inkey$ 50170 if T$<>"H" then 50190 50180 gosub 50120:goto 50150 50190 wait 1:print " ":random 50200 A=0:B=0:C=0:D=0:E=0:F=0:G=0:H=0:I=0:L=0 50210 U=0:W=0:Y=0 50220 T$=inkey$ 50230 if T$="Q" let Z=Z-1 50240 if T$="Z" let Z=Z+1 50250 if T$<>"S" then 50280 50260 print " Score: ";L 50270 I=5 50280 if Z=-1 let Z=0 50290 if Z=7 let Z=6 50300 X=2^Z 50310 J=2^(Z-1)*5 50320 if J=2.5 let J=2 50330 if J=160 let J=32 50340 K=2^(Z-1)*7 50350 if K=3.5 let K=3 50360 if K=224 let K=96 50370 call 1208 50380 poke 12323,X,J,(X+H),(X+H),K 50390 L=L+1 50400 H=Y 50410 if X=H then 50630 50420 Y=W:W=U:U=G:G=F:F=E:E=D:D=C:C=B:B=A 50430 V=rnd (7):A=2^(V-1):TM=rnd (500) 50440 if LM then 50750 50730 print "High score: ";M 50740 goto 50820 50750 gosub 50070:for I=1 to 5 50760 call 64352 50770 next I 50780 gosub 50010 50790 print "You are the best!" 50800 print "High score: ";L 50810 M=L 50820 print "Once more (Y/N)?" 50830 call &1494:T$=inkey$ 50840 if T$="Y" then 50190 50850 if T$="N" then 50870 50860 goto 50820 50870 print "Good bye!" 50880 end