Sharp Pocket Computer Resources
PETOOLS 10 System Extension

PETOOLS System Extension

For the PC-1403H and the PC-1403


PETOOLS 1.0 is a set of machine language routines, which extends the possibilities of your sharp in graphics, sound and other functions. It comes with a  GPL and without warranty of any kind. With PETOOLS 1.0 it is possible, to write powerful basic programs easier. It is also easier, to port programs from the PC-1500 to use them with the PC-1403(H).


  • Download the PETOOLS 1.0 installation program: peload.bas.
  • Transfer it to your PC-1403(H) and run it 1).
  • Follow the instructions on the display. Warning: During the installation process, all data will be deleted from your PC-1403(H).
  • After a few minutes, the installation process is complete. Switch back to RUN-mode (The installation program leaves the PC-1403(H) in PRO-mode).
  • To check your installation and see the possibilities of PETOOLS 1.0, download pedemo.bas , transfer it to your PC-1403(H) and run it.
Hint: If you loaded machine language programs before, it's a good idea to press the ALL RESET-button before installing PETOOLS 1.0.

API Documentation

The API documentation includes a description of every machine language routine and also instructions how to build PETOOLS 1.0. Here is the link:

PETOOLS 1.0 - Reference

1) Hint: You can install PETOOLS 1.0 without check of data integrity by typing "NOCHK" and DEF-S. This is faster, but more insecure.

Edgar Pühringer
last modified: 2009-10-14